Assassin’s Creed

fictional ancient Greek city scene

I have seen some great ancient Greek images in screen shots of Assassin’s Creed Odyssey. Some of which made an effort to be authentic, some didn’t.

Here are a few I have found to whet your appetite. If you have some that are better, please contact me and I will put them up here.

2022 Update: Ubisoft is upgrading their game in historical accuracy and educational value–except for violent content– by collaborating with several universities to prepare lesson plans and teacher’s guides. More here

A list of top ancient Greece games is HERE

fictional Athens acropolis
fictional ancient Greek harbour
Get more from <a href=httpswwwpcgamercom67 stunning 4k assassins creed screenshots for your desktop target= blank aria label=undefined opens in a new tab rel=noreferrer noopener nofollow>PC Gamer<a>
fictional Poseidon god city scene
ancient Greek or Roman city scene

April 2021 Update: I just discovered this intriguing history of Sparta

Published by Michael

Publish travel web sites based on living and working in Ireland, Greece and Czechia

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