Acropolis history is difficult to pin down in its early years, as it disappears into myth and legend. Originally an acropolis was an easily defensible position and was usually the home of the local king or ruler. Learn more !

The Propylaia (sometimes spelt Propylaea) is the gateway to the temples on the Acropolis. It was built during the years 438 to 432 BC under the guidance of Mnesikles.. Learn more !

The Parthenon was built in the aftermath of war. After the defeat of the Persians by the Greeks in 479 BC, the Athenians became the self proclaimed ‘protectors’ of the Greek world.. Learn more !

The temple of Athena Nike was added between 432 to 421 BC. The Peloponnesian war between Athens and Sparta was fought between 431 to 404 BC, so the temple was constructed during the war. Learn more !

The Erechtheion was begun in about 420BC. It was built next to an old temple which it was designed to replace. It is the youngest temple on the Acropolis. Erechtheus (or Erechthonios) is thought to have been a very ancient king of Athens, who was also thought to have been a god. Learn more !

The term “Elgin Marbles” must be very irritating to many Greeks today. The marble slabs are actually part of the frieze which ran around the whole of the Parthenon inside the peristyle. So they should really be known as the Parthenon frieze. Learn more !

The ancient greek agora was a central part of life in ancient Greece. It contained all the essential ingredients for the people of that time to conduct their lives. Shops, meeting places, law courts, libraries, baths, halls for public functions with collonades (stoas), meeting place for those holding public office. Learn more !

Acropolis, or the sights and sounds of the Agora are the main attractions. But it’s one of those places which although seeming rather tame and uninteresting, will leave a lasting impression. No, it doesn’t have the mighty columns and walls of other ancient sites, but if you go with a sense of imagination, and an appreciation of human beings from another time and place, you’ll enjoy visiting this part of Athens. Learn more !

The Areopagus, or Hill of Ares, is just to the west as you leave the Acropolis. It was important to the Athenians for a number of reasons. Learn more !

For the Greeks in ancient Athens, the Theatre of Dionysus was a very important part of their lives. Today it is considered to be the place where European theatre had its beginnings.. Learn more !

One of the perils of the Athens Museum – as with all large collections of antiquities – is that you can easily become overwhelmed with their size and the number of things to see. Learn more !

One of the best things to happen for visitors to Athens is the New Acropolis Museum.Learn more !

This map shows you the central historical area with the main attractions labeled (just hover your mouse over the red markers). You can use the controls on the left to zoom in and out of the map. Learn more !